Week 9: Holy major life events (Part 1)

It’s only the second week of “pregnancy blogging” and I’m already breaking the deal. So much is happening one post just won’t cut it.

As I mentioned last week, Hubby and I are preparing to close on our very first home. Those of you who are regulars around here (or are friends with me on Facebook) know this has been a long, arduous process. Now that the end is just over 24 hours away, I expected to feel an overwhelming sense of joy; however, I only feel relieved.

We first saw this house in October and it has been nothing but an uphill battle. At one point, we actually walked away. But something kept pulling us back. Maybe it was the acre of land in an area where urban development is at its prime. Maybe it was the serene, country location. Maybe it was the three bedrooms and two bathrooms. Maybe it was the dishwasher. Maybe it was the potential to make it ours – forever.

Maybe it’s a combination of all of those things.

After dealing with owners who were obviously not prepared to sell, multiple lenders, a real estate agent who would do anything for us but is easily distracted, and having often difficult marital and financial conversations, the light at the end of the tunnel is brighter than ever.

And I’m relieved.

We’re no longer in limbo. I will no longer lay awake at night wondering if my unborn baby will have a room of its own. Not to mention wondering where we would put all of the baby necessities in our already overflowing, 500-square-foot house.

While the next few weeks will be difficult – especially since I’m limited in the ways I can help move our things – I can’t wait to finally close this chapter and start a new one. It’s only been about 12 years in the making. 🙂

On the baby front: I see Dr. GL first thing Wednesday morning. It’s a good thing, too, because I’m STILL waiting for an appointment in the High Risk Clinic. I’ve called and left multiple messages, but no one returns my calls. I’m hoping that will change once I’m an established patient. Otherwise, I’m going to be one unhappy preggo.

4 thoughts on “Week 9: Holy major life events (Part 1)

  1. Congrats on your home! There is nothing better than a place that really is all your own. It feels more… permanent. Can’t wait to see pics! That’s a bummer about the high risk clinic though, and kind of troubling. I mean, the whole surroundings of being high risk basically demand a clinic that is prompt with returning calls!

    • Lindsay says:

      Thank you!! I agree with the permanent feeling. Although it’s a huge responsibility, I love the fact that we’ll be able to do/build/paint without having to ask permission. 🙂 As for the clinic, I don’t know what to think. But you can better believe asking about scheduling appointments or calling for general stuff will be one of the first questions when I get an appointment.

  2. Congratulations on the house! That’s awesome!! I hope it all goes smoothly. I can’t believe you’re having so much trouble getting ahold of the high risk clinic! I hope your doctor can help you with that.

    • Lindsay says:

      Thank you! 🙂 I hope he’ll be able to help as well. Even if it’s just to (re)schedule the initial appointment.

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